Welcome to the equality page of the Knowledge Network. The page aims at gathering information, opportunities and news on equality within the UCPM.
There is growing pressure to strengthen the resilience and preparedness of our local communities for future emergencies as climate change and security-related risks and threats increase, both globally and within the borders of the Union. In disasters and their aftermath, certain identity markers, such as gender or disability, make communities particularly vulnerable.
Did you know that around 15% of the world's population lives with some form of disability? This percentage is likely to increase in emergency situations. Vulnerable groups, including persons with disabilities, are among the most vulnerable and exposed in emergencies, yet they are often excluded from decision-making processes.
Gender inequalities determine the impact of disaster risks and vice versa. In particular, women face barriers in accessing information and resources to adequately prepare for and respond to disasters, including access to early warning and safe shelter. Women are also disproportionately affected in terms of return to work or relative loss of assets after disasters. Violence against women increases during emergencies. It is crucial to identify and respond to these differences in emergency experiences. To address these gaps, awareness and equality must be considered as a fundamental principle that encompasses all aspects of the UCPM - from prevention to preparedness to response.
Vulnerable groups and the organisations representing them should be consulted in the disaster management cycle, rather than being marginalised in disaster management planning and mitigation, as they are best placed to assess their needs - 'nothing about us without us' should be more than a slogan, it should be a guiding practice.
Related information
List of terms
Gender | Socially constructed attributes, opportunities, and relationships of femaleness and maleness (based on definition of European Institute for Gender Equality). |
Sex | ‘Biological and physiological characteristics that define humans as female or male (European Institute for Gender Equality). |
Gender-based violence (GBV) | ‘Violence directed against a person because of that person’s gender, gender identity or gender expression, or which affects persons of a particular gender disproportionately’ (European Institute for Gender Equality). |
Gender equality | Equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities of women and men and girls and boys. |
Empowerment of women | Process by which women gain power and control over their own lives and acquire the ability to make strategic choices. |
Diversity | Differences in the values, attitudes, cultural perspective, beliefs, ethnic background, sexual orientation, gender identity, skills, knowledge and life experiences of each individual in any group of people. |
Vulnerable groups | Life circumstances (e.g. poverty, education) and/or discrimination based on physical or social characteristic (sex, disability, age, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) reducing the ability of primary stakeholders (for example, individuals/ households/community) to withstand adverse impact from external stressors. Vulnerability is not a fixed criterion attached to specific categories of people, and no one is born vulnerable per se. |
(Dis)abilities | Article 1 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities defines persons with disabilities as including ‘those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual, or sensory impairments which in interaction with various barriers may hinder their full and effective participation in society on an equal basis with others’. |
Intersectionality | An analytical [and heuristic] tool to address ‘the ways in which sex and gender intersect with other personal characteristics/identities, and how these intersections contribute to unique experiences of discrimination’ (based on definition of European Institute for Gender Equality’. |
Interested in expanding your vocabulary with gender equality or disability inclusive terms? Here all you need to know: Gender Equality Glossary and Disability and inclusion Glossary
Find also a little vademecum on how to communicate correctly when talking about inclusion: Glossary of Sensitive Language