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Union Civil Protection Mechanism Medals

The European Commission awards medals in order to recognise and honour long-standing commitment and extraordinary contributions to the UCPM in the areas of prevention, preparedness and response actions.

Types of Medals

Nomination Procedure

  1. Step 1

    Nomination procedure

    Following a call for nominations, authorities can submit their nominations to the functional mailbox More information can be found in the guidelines attached to the call.

  2. Step 2

    Selection of Laureates

    The Award Board convenes in order to assess the nominations and takes a decision. The medal recipients are informed of the Board's decision in a timely manner before the ceremony.

  3. Step 3

    Award Ceremony

    The award ceremony takes place and the potential laureates receive their rightful medals.

Recipients of UCPM Medals for long-standing commitment

Patricia Gaspar receives UCPM medal

Patricia Gaspar

Patricia Gaspar, Portugal's Secretary of State, was the first recipient of a UCPM medal for long-standing commitment to the Mechanism.

Recipients of UCPM Medals for extraordinary contribution

French team receives medal for extraordinary contribution

Water purification module

The French water purification module received a medal for extraordinary contribution during their UCPM deployment to Haiti in 2019.
norwegian team receives medal at cpf 2022

Emergency Medical Team

The Norwegian EMT module received a medal for extraordinary contribution during their UCPM deployment to Haiti in 2019.
team from Luxembourg receives medal at cpf 2022

Telecoms emergency communication team

The Luxembourgish emergency communication TAST team received a medal for extraordinary contribution during their UCPM deployment to Haiti in 2019.
norwegian and german representatives receiving the medal

UCPM Medevac Operation for Ukraine

The medal for extraordinary contribution was awarded to the ongoing Medevac operation for Ukraine and was received on behalf of the operation by Norway and Germany.
Italian representatives receiving the medal at the CP Forum 2024

Italian Civil Protection Teams

The cross-sectoral support provided by Italy in response to the floods caused by cyclone Daniel in 2023 was awarded with a medal for extraordinary contribution to the UCPM.

Past UCPM Medals Ceremonies

Civil Protection Forum 2022

7th European Civil Protection Forum 2022

The first set of UCPM medals was awarded in a special ceremony during the 7th edition of the European Civil Protection Forum in June 2022. More information about this can be found at the bottom of the page.