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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action

Knowledge for Action in Prevention & Preparedness call for proposals (KAPP)

The KAPP call is a financial instrument that supports multi-country partnership projects strengthening cooperation on disaster prevention and preparedness and full-scale field exercises.

The complexity and interdependency of risks the EU faces shows the importance of identifying vulnerabilities in critical sectors, anticipating hazards and threats and reinforcing collective action to better prevent and prepare for disasters. 

Who is this call for?

The KAPP call is open for applications of consortia formed by legal public or private entities - civil protection authorities, NGOs, universities, research organisations - established in one of the eligible countries: EU Member States, UCPM Participating States and, for projects only, Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA) beneficiary countries, and European Neighbourhood Policy countries.  

Examples of project activities and outputs can vary according to call topics and priorities; from manuals, guidelines and methodologies, education and awareness raising (such as information products and campaigns) to open-source IT platforms for data-sharing and alert systems for local communities. 

The EU co-financing rate is 90% of the project budget, with a maximum EU contribution of EUR 1 000 000 for any project (minimum EUR 400 000 per prevention and preparedness project co-financed; for full-scale exercises, the minimum grant is EUR 500 000). Projects are funded for a duration of maximum 24 months. 

Costs may include personnel, travel and subsistence, subcontracting and purchase costs, and depreciation costs for equipment. 

VAT is not eligible under this call.  

Funded projects & exercises

The KAPP call merged three previously separate calls: “Prevention and preparedness”, “Knowledge network partnership”, and “Full-scale exercises”. With the merger, the overall objectives became more clearly visible across the different call topics and the application process was streamlined.   

For more ideas on projects supported under this call, please check our Success stories brochure. You can also discover the projects and exercises funded through the KAPP call and the previous calls in the list of funded projects and exercises. 

Resources for funded projects

Currently ongoing and recently ended projects will soon find here helpful resources for project implementation and final reporting.