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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action

About the Knowledge Network

Knowledge Network icon of a hand with lightbulb


That the Union Civil Protection Mechanism and its community have the knowledge and expertise to effectively prevent, prepare for and respond to current and emerging risks and challenges in disaster risk management.
Knowledge Network icon of two hands shaking


To bring together civil protection and disaster risk management experts and organisations, make knowledge on civil protection and disaster risk management accessible to all, and foster innovation for efficient and effective civil protection systems.
Knowledge Network icon of a crane building a building


Strategic goals include: Stronger Community (through better collaboration), Shared Knowledge for Action (through learning and working together) and Research that Matters (through stronger application of research in planning and operations).

Learn more about the Knowledge Network

12 000+
Training opportunities

Since its creation in 2004, the UCPM training programme has offered 12,000+ training places for more than 5,400 experts from UCPM Member and Participating States, as well as from enlargement and neighbourhood countries.

Collaborating organisations

88 organisations from 32 countries were involved in different projects and exercises (funded under annual calls for proposals), which started implementation of their activities in 2022.

2 500+
Expert exchanges

Over 2 500 experts participated in the UCPM Exchange of Experts in Civil Protection programme from 2010-2024, gaining insight into the work of civil protection organisations and experts across Europe and beyond.

Governance structure

To ensure smooth running of its many activities, the Knowledge Network needs an efficient governance structure, bringing together UCPM Member and Participating States and the European Commission.

Capacity Development Pillar

Many of the Knowledge Network's activities aim to connect, promote and strengthen capacity development initiatives relevant to civil protection and disaster risk management.

Science Pillar

Creating strong links between scientific community and operational actors in civil protection is one of the Knowledge Network's priorities. The Science Pillar is their space to connect and share knowledge.
Participants of the youth event


Every year, the Knowledge Network supports many projects bringing together organisations from all over Europe. They implement activities ranging from risk assessments to capacity strengthening of individuals and organisations active in the sector.
Participants of the Staff Management Course in 2022

Training and exercises

A dedicated training and exercises programme for civil protection experts in Europe is one of the flagship activities of the Knowledge Network. It ensures that the work of disaster response teams from different countries is complementary and compatible.


One of the Knowledge Network’s objectives is to facilitate communication between civil protection and disaster risk management actors, at different levels and across disciplines. This extends to providing additional visibility to an array of UCPM activities.

Key developments

  1. 23 April 2024

    Activities Report 2024

    The Activities Report for the Knowledge Network 2022-2023 is published. The Activities Report sets out achievements, results and lessons learnt by the EU and its partners under the three goals of the Network – community, shared knowledge for action, and research that matters.

  2. 26 June 2022

    Strategic vision for the Knowledge Network defined

    The Board endorses the UCPKN Strategic Plan 2022-2026, outlining the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network's place within a broader civil protection and disaster risk management system and defining its vision, mission, and strategic goals for the next five years.

  3. 7 December 2021

    Official launch of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network

    The Knowledge Network is formally inaugurated by the European Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič during a dedicated event. Commissioner Lenarčič defines the high level of ambition ahead of the Knowledge Network, calling it “a reserve of expertise, innovative solutions, training and learning opportunities in civil protection and disaster risk management". 

  4. 10 November 2021

    Structure and organisation defined

    After two years of consultations and negotiations with the UCPM Member and Participating States, the mandate and the organisational structure of the Knowledge Network is endorsed through Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2021/1956 of 10 November 2021. Read more about the governance structure.

  5. 13 March 2019

    Legal basis in the UCPM legislation

    During the 2019 revision of the UCPM legislation, the concept of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network is introduced, with an intention to build up the EU’s overall ability and capacity to deal with disasters.

Questions? Ideas?

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