CERIS Disaster Resilient Societies: Annual event
CERIS Disaster Resilient Societies: Annual event will take place from 4 to 7 December 2023.
The upcoming CERIS Disaster Resilient Societies: Annual event will cover the main DRS sub-areas, namely CBRNe (4/12), Societal Resilience and Risk Governance (5/12), Technologies for First and Second Responders (6/12) and Standardization (7/12).
The registration is open now and until the 28th November. Please note that the attendance in person will be limited to a maximum of 120 participants. Registration for attending on-line will be open until the start of the event on December 4th.
Please register here.
For more information, visit website.
2023-12-04.07 CERIS DRS AGENDA (Draft).pdf
(168.8 KB - PDF)Risk drivers