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KAPP call for proposals: UCPM Full-scale exercises

Civil protection exercises simulate a real-life emergency, so the training participants can test, practise and review procedures in a realistic setting. While a full-scale exercise is an essential part of the project, a UCPM full-scale exercise project also includes all of the preparatory actions and activities after the exercise to build on the learning.

UCPM full-scale exercises take place in a real-time, stressful environment that is intended to mirror a real major emergency. Participants are expected to deal with fast-moving and simultaneous events.

This means that the preparation and planning needed for a full-scale exercise is greater than other types of exercises.

European dimension

The ‘European dimension’ is at the core of every full-scale exercise scenario. Each scenario recreates the challenging and realistic conditions of the international environment of Mechanism interventions. This means that they include interactions of UCPM teams and modules, the broader emergency response community, and humanitarian and other relevant international actors as appropriate. Exercise scenarios depict disasters that have in some way overwhelmed the response capacity of at least one country.

Scenarios include organisations and teams that would naturally be involved in a real emergency:

  • Multi-sectorial (horizontal): government sectors, i.e. civil protection, police, health, consular authorities, humanitarian aid, etc.
  • Multi-level scenario (vertical): local, regional, national, EU/international actors and teams.

Eligible proposals

The call for proposals is looking for the design, planning, preparation, implementation, conduct, and evaluation of one full-scale exercise project in UCPM Member States/Participating States or eligible third countries (see section 6 of the Call for Proposals document).

It is expected to include:

  • A realistic and challenging scenario linked to risk assessments
  • Management and control structures for the project and for the conduct of the exercises
  • Activation of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism
  • Deployment of an EU Civil Protection Team
  • Deployment of assets and teams of the European Civil Protection Pool (ECPP)
  • Use of the Common Emergency Communication and Information System (CECIS)
  • Information exchange between the affected country(ies), participating states and the ERCC
  • The involvement of relevant national operational structures
  • EU Host Nation Support guidelines
  • EU observers
  • Evaluation, lessons learned and way forward
  • EU visibility

The information provided by the KAPP Team on UCPKN Platform pages is for general informational purposes only. All information on these pages in regards to the KAPP call is provided in good faith, however we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the pages related to the KAPP call. The official call documents available on the Funding & Tenders Portal Page provide all of the official information for potential applicants.