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EU tools to respond to natural disasters

Published on 26 April 2024
Analysis and assessment of EU tools to respond to natural disasters.
Reports and books

EU tools to respond to natural disasters

(1.62 MB - PDF)
Author details
Ciullo, A; Hochrainer-Stigler; S; Reiter, K; Zhu, Research for REGI Committee – EU tools
to respond to natural disasters, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and
Cohesion Policies, Brussels
Unique identifier

This study provides an analysis and assessment of EU tools to respond to natural disasters. Particular attention is paid to the European Union Solidarity Fund and the potential synergies and overlaps with other EU instruments including the Emergency Aid Reserve, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism as well as Cohesion Policy. Also, the recent modifications to the EUSF including the extension to address major public health emergencies as well as the modifications linked to the 2021-2027 programming period are examined. Based on this assessment, policy recommendations are put forward.

Information and views set out in this community page can also be those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission.

DRM Phases

Recovery Response

Geographic focus

all Europe/EU


Situational awareness