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Strengthening Societal Resilience to Disasters synthesis policy brief

Published on 31 May 2024
"Improving Engagement and Communication among Citizens and Authorities" based on synergy-building of 9 Horizon projects and 100+ organisations
Research papers

Strengthening Societal Resilience to Disasters synthesis policy brief

(8.86 MB - PDF)
Author details
This policy brief has been produced by LINKS (GA N. 883490), ENGAGE (GA N. 882850), RiskPACC (GA N. 101019707), CORE (GA N. 101021746), MEDIATE (GA N. 101074075), PARATUS (GA N. 101073954), BuildERS (GA N. 833496), RESILOC (GA N. 833671) and DIRECTED (GA N. 101073978). This product does not reflect the views of the European Commission
Unique identifier
Suggested Citation

Societal Resilience Cluster (2023). Strengthening Societal Resilience to Disasters: Improving Engagement and Communication among Citizens and Authorities


For more information on this brief, contact Jon Hall at

Information and views set out in this community page can also be those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the European Commission.

Hazard types

Multi-hazard Societal

Geographic focus

all Europe/EU


CERIS Risk reduction & assessment

Risk drivers

Changing security landscape