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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action

A collaborative leap forward

By Knowledge Network – Staff memberPublished on

The 'Futureproof-IE' report, stemming from Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič's visit to Dublin, Ireland, represents a significant stride in national disaster preparedness and resilience.

Strengthening national risk assessment and anticipation of disasters

Recently, Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič, visited Dublin, Ireland, where he attended the launch of the 'Futureproof-IE' report, a project funded by the Union Civil Protection Mechanism. The 'Futureproof-IE' report, published during the Commissioner’s visit, is a testament to Ireland's implementation of the EU Disaster Resilience Goals, focusing on enhancing national risk assessment and proactive anticipation of disasters. In particular, the report contributes to a strengthened national risk assessment, and the implementation of Disaster Resilience Goal no 1: Anticipate, while linking science-policy and studying a large range of actors. 

Futureproof-IE Project

This Futureproof-IE project, benefitting from a UCPM grant of 57,000 EUR, aimed to refine National Risk Assessment methodologies by integrating foresight and forecasting, thereby enhancing the strategic management of emergent risks. The project showcases the importance of multi-hazard and multi-sector risk assessments. The project's success, largely attributed to the collaborative efforts of the Dublin City University Business School and active public engagement, sets a replicable model for disaster risk management across the EU.

Working in partnership towards a more resilient future

Commissioner Lenarčič's mission to Dublin and the launch of the Futureproof IE project underscore the European Union's and Ireland's concerted efforts towards building a more resilient future. As the EU faces the complexities of a polycrisis world, the sharing of knowledge, experiences, and best practices becomes ever more crucial.