DRGs: strengthening the resilience of the Union, its regions, and cities
Commissioner Lenarčič addressed the Committee of the Regions to encourage them to implement the Disaster Resilience Goals in their regions.
Yesterday, 24 May 2023, Commissioner for Crisis Management Janez Lenarčič spoke at the 155th plenary session of the Committee of the Regions. The debate focused on the CoR own-initiative opinion on Preparing for and dealing with crises: strengthening the resilience of the Union, its regions, and cities.
Commissioner Lenarčič presented the five European Disaster Resilience Goals and their respective flagship initiatives. Appealing to the representatives of local and regional authorities present at the debate the Commissioner said: "I ask you to work together with national authorities, implement these flagship initiatives in your region. Adapt them to your individual situation. Make them your own – and bring the Disaster Resilience Goals to the lives of people across Europe!"