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EU MODEX exercise in Czechia

By Knowledge Network – Staff memberPublished on

The sixth and final EU MODEX conducted by the LOT2 Consortium within Cycle 11 was conducted in Ostrava, Czechia between 17 and 20 October. Six countries, members of the UCPM - Union Civil Protection Mechanism (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland and Sweden) participated in a simulation of a flooding caused by weather crisis in the Moravian-Silesian Region (MSR).


Our Czech colleagues and consortium organisers meticulously prepared the exercise, rigorously testing our skills, procedures, equipment, and our readiness to collaborate with international modules.

Their objective was to work together cohesively to address the water-related incidents in the region. The EU MODEX exercise in Czechia has proven to be an intense and comprehensive opportunity for self-evaluation of their abilities to collaborate effectively with the local authorities and other deployed capacities with the primary goal of achieving coordination in response to the simulated emergency. Participants have acknowledged its role in fostering cooperation and enhancing coordination among international teams.

Our team has gained valuable insights into improved cooperation with other teams through this exercise.

This exercise has been a remarkable experience from start to finish. It provided valuable challenges for both team leaders and deputy team leaders, offering great opportunities for improvement and learning, with outstanding role players.

In conclusion, this EU MODEX has highlighted once again the importance of international collaboration within the UCPM framework. It acts as a valuable reminder that unity and joint preparedness are vital elements in responding to emergencies, thereby ensuring a prompt and effective response to support the affected communities.