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A group picture of the Winter School participants and EUMA partners

EUMA Winter School on Multi-Hazards at University of Bonn wrapped up

By project EUMA staffPublished on

The week-long winter school, titled “From Single Hazards to Multi-Hazards and Systemic Risks: Scientific, Operational, and Communication Perspectives." brought together practitioners and academics from 12 countries to explore key topics in risk management.


Different experts shared their knowledge through presentations and hands on exercises across diverse areas of disaster risk management (DRM), including climate change and risk landscapes, disaster management, systemic risks, risk communication, and legal and policy frameworks in DRM. A special thank you to Prof. Dr. Christian Huggel, Prof. Dr. Lothar Schrott, Dr. Dr. Philipp Marr, Prof. Dr. Emanuele Sommario, Prof. Dr. Cees van Westen, Dr. Rémy Bossu, Stijn Vermoote, Dr. Petra Dickmann, Dr. Anette Fath-Lihic, Andreas Hermanns, Pieter Wynant, Jochen Stein, Bastian Druschinski, Dr. Benni Thiebes, Dr. Peter Billing and Dr. Michael Hagenlocher!

A highlight of the Winter School was an excursion to the Ahr valley, led by Dr. Rainer Bell and Prof. Lothar Schrott. This provided participants with a first-hand look at the impact of the devastating 2021 floods. Participants also had the opportunity to meet with Cornelia Weigand, the District Administrator of Ahrweiler, who shared her experiences and perspectives on the 2021 floods. The day in the Ahr valley concluded with a presentation at the Federal Academy of Civil Protection and Civil Defence (BABZ) on innovative disaster management education and a presentation on the extreme 2021 floods in Belgium given by Pieter Wynant, enabling the comparison of the flood consequences in both countries.

The Winter School concluded with a panel discussion exploring the future of postgraduate education for disaster managers. Panellists highlighted core desirable and essential skills and knowledge for future disaster managers. 

The presence of representatives from Bonn Fire Services, Joint Reporting and Situation Centre (GMLZ), European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW), the EU Commission, United Nations University - Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS), and German Committee for Disaster Reduction (DKKV) demonstrates the strong DRM network in Bonn. We extend our sincere gratitude to Dr. Stefan Lock, Head of the EU Commission in Bonn for hosting the welcome reception, and to Dr. René Funk, Vice President, Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster (BBK) for his inspiring address at the social dinner held at UNU. Special appreciation also goes to the European Commission’s Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department (DG ECHO) for their support of the EUMA project and the Winter School.

Overall, the outcomes of the Winter School will significantly contribute to shaping the curriculum of the forthcoming EUropean MAsters on Disaster Management (EUMA) programme.

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