New catalogue sets out overview of EU Civil Protection Pool Capacities
A new booklet presents the main features of the full list of ECPP response capacities to civil protection practitioners.
The European Civil Protection Pool (ECPP, or 'the Pool') was created in 2014 to improve the predictability and the quality of the UCPM response to disasters. Member States and UCPM Participating States can commit response capacities on a voluntary basis to the ECPP, making them available for UCPM response operations for an agreed number of years, after having certified these capacities.
In the past, Member States published their own list of capacities - often in different formats - and there was no central location where the entire pool capacity was detailed. This made it difficult (especially for the non-specialist) to grasp the extent of “response capacities” that could be pre-committed and offered for deployment by the Member and Participating States when a disaster strikes.
For this reason, Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (DG ECHO) has now created a user-friendly communication and interactive product to illustrate the typology of ECPP capacities and their main features as defined in the UCPM legislation (mainly annex II and III of Implementing Decision 2014/762/EU).
Thematic series