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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action
Kick-Off Meeting in Vienna

Successful start of the EUMA project

By project EUMA staffPublished on

Successful start of the EUMA project

The increase in the number and complexity of disasters and crises caused, for instance, by environmental degradation, global warming and demographic and geopolitical changes require high-quality civil protection systems. The availability of highly qualified human resources is critical for anticipating, preparing for, managing of and recovering from crises.

EUMA (Creating a EUropean Higher Education Network for MAster’s Programmes in Disaster Risk Management) started as a UCPM KAPP-funded project on January 1st, 2024 and has the vision of creating a high-level postgraduate Master’s programme on disaster risk and crisis management tailored for experts and staff members of civil protection authorities and disaster managers.

To start off the project, the consortium convened for an in-person meeting organized by the lead project coordinator University of Vienna. This inaugural kick-off workshop took place on February 1st and 2nd in Vienna, marking a significant milestone of work package 1, "project management and organization." Attendees included members of the seven partner institutions, as well as the members of the Scientific Advisory Board and the Letter of Support party. Together, they engaged in a fruitful exchange on EUMA’s future steps over the next two years."

The 7 EUMA partner institutions:

Universität Wien (UNIVIE - AUT)

Scuola Superiore di Studi Universitari e di perfezionamento Sant’Anna (SSSA - ITA)

Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (UBO - GER)

Institut Mines-Telecom Alès (IMT - FRA)

Universiteit Twente (UT - NED)

Estonian Academy of Security Sciences (EASS - EST)

Dublin City University (DCU - IRL)

Furthermore, we are pleased to announce that the first deliverable D1.1 from working package WP1 was submitted successfully on March 5th. The deliverable contains a summary, the agenda and detailed minutes of the kick-off event and can be viewed publicly.

The first Specialized Workshop will take place at SSSA in Pisa at April 11th and 12th. The call for participation is still ongoing until March 20th.