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KN Organisations

Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung



The Landesamtsdirektion consists of

  • of the Office for Presidential Affairs and Internal Audit
  • of the Administrative Reform, Innovation and Strategic Project Management Unit
  • the Department of Communication of the Province of Styria
  • the Protocol and Awards Unit
  • of the Department of Civil Protection and National Defence

We are the central point of contact for the services of the state administration for all matters relating to the Internal Service. Our main focus is on the efficiency and effectiveness of administrative processes, which are continuously improved by uniform and up-to-date standards throughout the country. We want to help ensure that the demands of Styrians on the administration are met at the best possible level through competent, cost-conscious action geared to sustainability goals.

As part of its responsibility for press and public relations in the Province of Styria, the Communication Department of the Province of Styria is an important information hub between the population and political decision-makers.

Another business card to the outside world is the Protocol and Awards Department, which is responsible for the protocol matters of the Province of Styria, such as .B state visits and official receptions, for award matters as well as for the management or use of the Styrian coat of arms.

The Civil Protection and National Defence Division, on the other hand, ensures that the Styrian emergency organisations are able to carry out their invaluable tasks for security in our country in terms of their equipment, training and legal frameworks. The State Warning Centre is available as an operations and dispatch control centre for all smaller emergency organisations and as a warning centre for the population. The coordination offices for emergency and disaster medicine and for crisis intervention ensure the emergency medical care of the Styrian population as well as the psychosocial acute care of victims and relatives in crisis situations.