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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action

Associacao para o Desenvolvimento da Aerodinamica Industrial




Is a non-profit association that promotes the research, development, training and services in the domain of Industrial Aerodynamics.  

ADAI has been developing, since its foundation and in co-ordination with national and international institutions, a great number of actions aiming the implementation and development of knowledge in its specific scientific areas. One of the main objectives of this association is the creation and management of scientific and technological infra-structures, in particular the Laboratory of Industrial Aerodynamics and the Forest Fire Research Laboratory.  

The Board of Directors is composed of the President, Prof. Manuel Carlos Gameiro da Silva, Vice-President, Prof. José Joaquim da Costa and the members, Professor Adélio Manuel Rodrigues Gaspar, Professor José Manuel Baranda Moreira da Silva Ribeiro and Doctor Miguel Abrantes de Figueiredo Bernardo de Almeida.  

With the creation of specific grants or with the aid of national or international founding programs, ADAI has been supporting fundamental and applied research in the domain of industrial aerodynamics and other correlated areas. Particular attention is paid to the specific problems of the Portuguese Industry in order to achieve higher levels of modernisation and competitivity.