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Bundesamt für Bevölkerungsschutz und Katastrophenh

German Federal Office of Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance (BBK)


The Federal Office of Civil Protection is in charge of civil protection in Germany.

Due to German constitution, the Grundgesetz, civil protection is split up in Germany.

The Federal Republic of Germany is in charge of civil defense. Civil defense occurs in case of war or war-like situations. The Federal States in Germany are in charge of disaster management. Disaster management covers disasters caused by nature, major accidents and other causes not related to war.

For major disasters affecting several Federal States, the states can ask The Federal Republic for help. In this case, The Federal Office of Civil Protection moderates the coordination of the needed help. It is also the first contact for any disaster-related international inquiries, such as the EU Civil Protection Mechanism.

Main tasks of the BBK

  • Warning
  • To promote preparedness
  • Risk management
  • Crisis management
  • Medical civil protection
  • Shelters
  • Protection of cultural properties according to the Hague Convention