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Instituto tecnoloxico para o control domedio marino de Galicia - INTECMAR


The main purpose of INTECMAR is to observe the legislation in force concerning the quality of molluscs and marine organisms and to contribute to protect and improve the quality of the marine environment; thus, it focuses on the follow-up, control and research of environmental quality of coastal waters in Galicia, specially, regarding oceanographic conditions, marine biotoxins, chemical pollution –heavy metals, organochlorides and hydrocarbons- microbiology and pathology.

To this purpose, INTECMAR works in the areas of pollution-fighting and of operational oceanography and it has implemented a complete control system designed to work with small-size production units, with a very intense sampling frequency, able to cover all the production areas along the Galician coastline and to monitor the different groups of species subject to commercial exploitation, coming either from shellfishing or aquaculture.