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National Association of Volunteers - Bulgaria


Non-profit association "National Association of Volunteers in the Republic of Bulgaria" was established on 29.08.2014 in Sofia. Sofia. It was registered by decision No 1/3.12.2014 of the Sofia City Court.


The National Association of Volunteers in the Republic of Bulgaria (NADRB) was established in 2014. as an association, to people who share common values and vocation – to help manage emergencies. It brings together within an organizational structure all entities in the crisis management process – volunteers, professional firefighters and rescuers and local government. NADRB helps to increase society's capacity to deal with natural disasters and other emergencies such as:

  • Encourages civic activity;
  • Establish organization and mechanisms for coordination and interaction between voluntary squads and institutions;
  • Enhances the training, knowledge and skills of volunteers and citizens;
  • Protects the rights and interests of volunteers;
  • Works actively to create and strengthen a network of volunteers who are well prepared, equipped and equipped for action in various emergencies.

THE NARB actively works to enhance public culture with regard to natural and man-made disasters and supports synergies between the civilian sector and institutions at local, national and international level in order to provide an effective response and public capacity to deal with emergencies.


THE NADRB supports the process of creating, maintaining and developing an active and effective network of volunteers to assist professional services in risk prevention, disaster management and remediation. The Association works actively to promote the cause and attract like-minded people from all sectors of public life – citizens, business, institutions, academia and others. Last but not least, NADRB is an active participant in the process of overcoming difficulties, problems and challenges for the development of disaster management volunteers.


  • Risk prevention and effective protection of the population;
  • Creating and strengthening an active network of volunteers;
  • Improving interaction between institutions, the non-governmental sector, business and citizens in disasters and other emergencies;
  • Improving the regulations and working conditions of volunteers and voluntary units;
  • Improving cooperation with foreign and international organizations;
  • Protection of the interests and rights of volunteers;
  • Promotion of volunteering;
  • Improving the training and training of volunteers and the population;
  • More efficient use of volunteers in different emergencies;
  • Support institutions in organising, training and working with volunteers.