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The Resilience Advisors Network (RAN)

The Resilience Advisors Network




Emergency, Crisis and Disaster Management Knowledge Made Accessible

The Resilience Advisors Network (RAN) is a group of more than 100 practitioners who come together to form expert project teams. The Network will tackle any project, large or small, as long as it's designed to strengthen community, locality or infrastructure resilience from disasters and emergencies.

Advisors come from a broad range of emergency service and disaster management-related backgrounds, most holding senior positions in Emergency Management, Rescue Service or Civil Contingency authorities.

We're not typical consultants! We all have practical and real experience of 'doing the job'; preparing for, responding to and managing real-life emergencies and disasters.

The Advisors are spread all over the world but with a larger density in Europe. This enables the network to understand both local perspectives as well as the more global picture.

Formed in 2015, RAN operates through companies and offices around the world and is particularly active in Europe, Asia and the Middle East.

The International Resilience Team

The Network comprises of more than 100 top resilience and civil protection experts from across the World - all experienced directors and leaders in their own right and many bringing-to-bear the strength and pedigree of many years of operating in their own specialised fields.

Selected by the Network's Directors, each advisor and partner is well-known and respected in their own field and comes professionally recommended with a proven and documented record of success.

Advisors have been selected from a broad range of disciplines to best support the consortium outcomes you are seeking be that for the devopment of world-class guidance, training or trainer provision, disaster exercise management, Mechanism research projects or any other critical resilience-related project delivery.

Your initial contact will be with one of the Directors. They will work with you to understand your needs and opportunities and discuss with you the most appropriate available support. The Network approach will then ensure that you get a bespoke team comprising of only the very best!

It is this unique approach that means you get top quality support to leverage benefit for your project. Importantly, it will also open doors for further business opportunities for you on the back of your current prospects.