- Type
- Single country grants for disaster risk management (Track 1)
- EU contribution amount
- EUR 334 046.29 (EU contribution)
- Contact email
The security environment in Europe has significantly changed over the past few years and is more serious and less predictable than at any time since the Cold War. Strong national preparedness and capacities should be the basis for all activities. The IDEAMETA project will develop risk management capabilities for large scale nuclear and radiological emergencies. In general, emergency preparedness and response are a coordinated action of many authorities, other national actors, and international organisations. Timely and reliable data acquisition, storing and sharing are a prerequisite for forming reliable situation awareness for all parties.
The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority’s (STUK) primary function in a nuclear or radiological emergency is to maintain situational awareness and to give recommendations and support to other competent authorities. Thus, automatisation of data collection, storing, handling, analysing and presentation is essential in timely decision making in emergency situations. STUK has several information systems to support emergency preparedness. They all have an important role to play in the management of radiological emergencies.
In this action the functioning of the existing information systems will be enhanced to optimise the workflow and to share information effectively. STUK, as a national authority, will use the results of the project in its own emergency preparedness and surveillance work.
Partner organisations
- Organisation
- Country
- Finland
- Role
- Coordinator
- EU Contribution
- EUR 334 046.29
DRM phases