- Type
- Select CP/DRM-related Horizon projects
- EU contribution amount
- EUR 5 460 422.36 (RiskPACC ID: 101019707)
- Funding source
- Geographic focus
- all Europe/EU
- Contact email
UCPM Increasingly complex and interconnected risks globally highlight the need to enhance individual and collective disaster resilience. While, there are initiatives to encourage citizen participation in creating a resilient society, these are typically fragmented, do not reach the most vulnerable and can result in unclear responsibilities for building disaster resilience. Awareness of risks and levels of preparedness across Europe remain low with gaps between the risk perceptions and actions of citizens, and between the risk perceptions of citizens and Civil Protection Authorities (CPAs). The RiskPACC project seeks to further understand and close this Risk Perception Action Gap (RPAG). Through its dedicated co-creation approach, RiskPACC will facilitate interaction between citizens and CPAs to jointly identify their needs and develop potential procedural and technical solutions to build enhanced disaster resilience.
RiskPACC will provide an understanding of disaster resilience from the perspective of citizens and CPAs, identifying resilience building initiatives and good practices led by both citizens (bottom up) and CPAs (top-down). Based on this understanding, RiskPACC will facilitate collaboration between citizens, CPAs, Civil Society Organisations, researchers and developers through its seven case studies to jointly design and prototype novel solutions. The “Risk Pack” of solutions will include a framework and methodology to understand and close the RPAG; a repository of international best practice; and, tooled solutions based on new forms of digital and community-centred data and associated training guidance.
The RiskPACC project therefore directly compliments the UCPM by having risk perceptions of civilians and CPAs more aligned and allowing there to be more efficient missions. By better understanding the needs across the EU, the UCPM can also be better preared to respond to crisis as they occur across the EU. Additionally, RiskPACC is part of the SRC (Societal Resilience Cluster), and works with project such as LINKS, which are already on the UCPM website. With the addition of RISKPAC to the UCPM website, users will be able to get a full understanding and awareness of the projects involved in the SRC.
Outputs & results
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