The Connection Between EMSA and PROMPT
Both EMSA and PROMPT have the same mission to ensure maritime safety, and preserve biodiversity
Here is the correlation of EMSA and PROMPT you might want to know! EMSA stands for the European Maritime Safety Agency. It's an EU agency based in Lisbon, Portugal, established in 2002. EMSA's primary mission is to ensure a high, uniform, and effective level of maritime safety, maritime security, prevention of and response to pollution by ships, and maritime environmental protection in European waters. It provides technical assistance and support to the European Commission and EU member states in implementing and enforcing EU maritime legislation and international maritime standards. EMSA also operates various monitoring and surveillance systems, offers training programs, conducts research, and facilitates cooperation among stakeholders to enhance maritime safety, security, and environmental protection across Europe.
On the other hand, PROMPT is highly geared to complement the mission of EMSA in ensuring maritime safety, maritime security, prevention of, and response to pollution by ships along the Mediterranean seas and neighboring countries. PROMPT is tailored to combat sea pollution related to spills of oil and hazardous-noxious substances (HNS) that are primarily caused by ships during transportation. The intervention of PROMPT to achieve this goal is centered around extending the capabilities of the ICT tool/Environmental Decision Support System (EDSS) developed in the framework of the DG ECHO project Be-Ready which will help gather information and detect spills along the sea for a decisive decision to be taken, not only that but to develop an algorithm for automatically detect oil spills from satellite images to provide to the decision support system localization of the area interested by the spills, to develop an innovative algorithm able to track lost container in the sea and to train and transfer the knowledge that resides in the development of decision support system tool to the local operators of partners belonging to the European Neighbourhood Policy countries (Lebanon and Jordan).
In conclusion, both EMSA and PROMPT have the same mission to ensure maritime safety, maritime security, prevention of, and response to pollution by ships along the Mediterranean seas and neighboring countries. EMSA stands for the European Maritime Safety Agency. It's an EU agency based in Lisbon, Portugal, established in 2002. EMSA's primary mission is to serve EU maritime interests for a safe, secure, green, and competitive maritime sector and act as a reliable and respected point of reference in the maritime sector in Europe and worldwide. On the other hand, PROMPT is geared towards combating sea pollution related to spills of oil and hazardous-noxious substances (HNS) that are primarily caused by ships during transportation, through the development of an algorithm for automatically detecting oil spills from satellite images to provide the decision support system localization of the area interested by the spills, to develop an innovative algorithm able to track lost container in the sea and to train and transfer the knowledge that resides in the development of decision support system tool to the local operators of partners belonging to the European Neighbourhood Policy countries (Lebanon and Jordan).
Preparedness for Operational Monitoring and Prediction of contaminant Transport in the Sea.
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