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EU Emergency Response Coordination Centre

Deployment operations by the ERCC

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The Emergency Response Coordination Centre (ERCC), operated within the European Commission’s department for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), is the heart of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM).

By Knowledge Network – Staff member

When the emergency context requires, the ERCC launches a call for interest and puts together a team of experts that have been nominated by the Member States and/or the six UCPM Participating States.

Once the team has been selected, the experts are in continuous contact with the ERCC that manages the entire deployment. Colleagues in Brussels take care of the logistics related to the deployment, from preparing the expert’s contract to organising the travel and accommodation arrangements. The analytical team prepares the security briefing, sets up safety protocols and the ERCC provides insurance coverage. From its headquarters, the ERCC briefs the experts on the situation on the ground before their departure and offers continued 24/7 support to the experts while on mission. This way, the experts can focus on their mission and on saving lives, and do not need to worry about the practical aspects. They know the ERCC team will be always there to help and they can get in touch with them anytime.

No mission is the same, there are always new elements coming with the nature of the emergency, but time is always the biggest challenge to overcome. A lot of arrangements have to be often prepared in short time, and it can be challenging to find, for example, travel options at short notice. Since COVID-19 hit, this became even more challenging because we need to take into account additional constraints and requirements. (...) Even in this new difficult context, we managed. We continue to send experts and provide them support. Nothing is more satisfying than to see the experts return safe and

About the author

The Knowledge Network – Staff member

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