EMMERA: East Med Cross-border Marine Environmental Risk Assessment through E-Platform Integrated Data Management
The projects will bring together partners from the area of the Eastern Mediterranean to share knowledge and expertise and develop a methodology that can support and develop cross-border risk assessments. It will also involve the roll out of an E-platform and aerial drone technology to cooperatively share information, process and analyse data in real time on marine environmental incidents, and provide warnings for detecting marine pollution events. This presents a novel proposal for the Eastern Mediterranean region to establish joint action plans for identifying, assessing, and communicating marine pollution hazards.
SAFE-LAND: Mitigating the risk of flooding and landslides via artificial intelligence with a view to extreme climate events
The project will propose a tool that uses trustworthy artificial intelligence to assess hydrogeological risk and generate guidelines on risk management planning and increasing risk awareness. The tool will then provide tailored guidelines that can help experts find the best actions to reduce disasters risks and implement personalised guidelines to raise risk awareness, prioritising vulnerable groups and people with disabilities.
PreparEU: PreparEU pilot project
PreparEU will explore and then recommend ways to implement a European dimension on all different national risk information activities that take place in most EU Member States/UCPM Participating States (MS/PS), through work strands focusing on deepening knowledge about how MS/PS work to increase national risk awareness and preparedness. In addition, it will facilitate the sharing of national best practices, risk information material, project recommendations and guidelines among all MS/PS in conclusions and recommendations.
VERA: Vulnerable Elements and Risk Assessment
VERA will develop a harmonised cross-border catalogue and platform for collecting risk assessments in transboundary domains, and a decision-making tool for four hazards (meteorological, industrial, nuclear and forest fires). VERA aims to improve cross-border risk management mechanisms, with an improved multi-risk approach, by taking advantage of existing data from European services (Copernicus, Galileo or JRC) and extending the analysis to the entire Spanish-Portuguese and Spanish-French border. Its operation and usefulness will be applied in real demonstrations carried out in-situ and integrate early warning systems into decision-making at various levels.
The way forward
All participants were excited about the next steps in relation to the launch of their respective projects. The consensus in the room was hopeful in terms of future collaboration and communication between the different participants. The UCP Knowledge Network Platform and the upcoming European Civil Protection Forum (4-5 June 2024) were also mentioned as relevant tools and opportunities for learning and exchange between the projects.
Further information In addition to Prevention, KAPP also funds Projects in Preparedness and Full-scale field exercises, that are carried under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM). To find out more, go to the official KAPP page, or contact ECHO-CP-KNOWLEDGE-NETWORK-PLATFORM@ec.europa.eu.