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Some participants during the last NTC Meeting that took place in Budapest.

NTCs meet in Budapest to strengthen UCPM training programme implementation

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National Training Coordinators (NTCs) convened in Budapest, Hungary, for their annual meeting from 25 to 28 November 2024.

By Knowledge Network – Staff member

The meeting was hosted in one of the city's historic venues - Széchenyi Assembly Hall of the Ludovika University of Public Service, showcasing Budapest's cultural heritage. The Presidency warmly welcomed all delegates with great Hungarian hospitality, introducing the history and heritage of the country’s culture and food and making everyone feel at home through social and cultural events. 

“Hosting the National Training Coordinators' meeting at the Ludovika University of Public Service in Budapest is both an honour and a privilege. This historic venue, with its rich legacy and neoclassical elegance, provides the ideal setting for meaningful discussions on shared goals. (..) Your work will be of immeasurable importance to select, guide, train and organise the human resources and capacities required to achieve a safer Europe for us all."

“The NTC meeting in Budapest was an excellent opportunity to deepen my understanding of my role. Engaging discussions in a welcoming environment allowed new NTCs to learn from experienced colleagues, while the involvement of different stakeholders and some NTCs volunteering to become mentors provided valuable insights into organising NTC work effectively. Informal talks and group discussions further enriched my perspective on the training process.”

The NTC of Finland, Tero Lähdesmäki also commended the event, emphasising, “The meeting was well organised, both by the Hungarian presidency team and the UCPM Training and Exercises team. It gave us NTCs a much-needed opportunity to network and share ideas as well as solutions to our daily work challenges.” With the new training program just beginning and evolving, the meeting proved essential in inspiring participants to integrate its outcomes into their roles effectively.

The next NTC annual meeting is scheduled to take place in October 2025 in Denmark under the Danish Presidency of the Council of the European Union.


About the author

The Knowledge Network – Staff member

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Education & Training