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The story behind the EU Academy - interview with Donatella Salvi

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The EU Academy centralises e-learning activities and provides access to online resources within one platform. It is run by the European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC). Donatella Salvi, Team Leader for UCPM Training and Exercises at DG ECHO, tells us more about how it is being used in civil protection.

By Knowledge Network – Staff member

1. Why was the EU Academy created? What was the primary vision behind it?

The EU Academy was started in 2019 at the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, (JRC). The vision of the project is to educate professionals and aspiring professionals about EU policy and its implementation, as a means to combat disinformation and promote the fast and efficient adoption of EU policies and programmes so their benefits can be felt by citizens.  In a nutshell, the overall idea behind it was to create a centralised platform for courses produced by the EU institutions.

2. How do you and your team use the EU Academy?

Our team strives to develop world-class training modules for European civil protection experts. This is where the EU Academy comes into play. The learning management system (LMS) provides a platform for asynchronous learning, complementary to online classes, face-to-face training courses, and field exercises. The advantages of asynchronous learning are proven: learners can engage with courses flexibly, at their own pace, and at times that work best for them.

4. In what ways does the EU Academy stand out from other learning and knowledge platforms? Can you detail some unique features?

Colleagues at  the JRC built the EU Academy on an open source e-learning platform called Moodle, so it uses pretty standard technology. Over the past years, they have however added a number of complementary functionalities, to make it uniquely useful to customers and learners. 

The JRC highlights examples such as a new micro-learning module, a learning communities feature, podcast and video talks channels, and an adaptive learning approach based on a novel new assessment content type. But there are many smaller tweaks and design features that make the EU Academy one of the most exciting e-learning platforms around today, and also one of the largest and most ambitious in the world. 

At the time of writing, 1.25 million learners have signed up, with more than 2 million enrolments to over 2,250 content items on the platform. The EU Academy website has consistently been among the 15 most visited Europa web properties over the past year, and the JRC expects that ranking to slowly rise as more professionals, and more content, make their way to the platform. The platform interface is also now available in more than 30 languages.

To access the EU Academy - UCPM Training and Exercises Programme Page:

To know more about the training opportunities offered by the Mechanism, in person and on line, visit the Union Civil Protection Mechanism training section.


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The Knowledge Network – Staff member

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Education & Training