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Disaster Prevention and Risk Management

Identifying and addressing the risks faced in Europe

Natural and human-induced hazards threaten the safety of people and damage property, natural environment and cultural heritage. Disaster prevention and risk management aims to tackle these risks through better prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. This includes increasing the resilience of infrastructure, ecosystems (terrestrial and aquatic) and society to disasters.

Improved understanding of disaster risks in Europe  

The European Commission publishes the EU overview of natural and man-made disaster risks that the EU may face, to examine trends in the ever-evolving disaster risk landscape, discuss the major drivers shaping it, with a particular look at disaster risks impacting Europe (20142017 and 2020 editions are available).

One of the main sources for the EU overview of risks are the national disaster risk assessments of EU Civil Protection Mechanism member and participating states, that reflect on a region or country’s readiness to cope with natural and man-made hazards. In addition to information from national authorities, the overview uses the latest available evidence from the Commission’s cross-sectoral policy, operational and scientific work on disaster risk. The purpose is to foster a sound understanding of disaster risks facing Europe’s population and to inform decision makers on risk management to prevent loss of life and economic, environmental and social impacts. 

EU solidarity with France fighting forest fires together

Funding for Disaster Risk Management

Knowing how to make best use existing EU funding schemes is also essential to improve disaster risk management at EU, national, regional and local level.  Several EU financial schemes, such as the European Regional Development Fund and Cohesion Fund, the Common Agricultural Policy the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the Technical Support Instrument and the Digital Europe Programme can provide financial support and are available for the overall improvement of Disaster Risk Management. 
UCPM Peer Review Programme

UCPM Peer Review Programme

A peer review of disaster risk management and civil protection systems provides a country or a region with a unique opportunity to reflect on its readiness to cope with natural hazards and human-induced disasters and to identify ways of strengthening its prevention and preparedness policy and practices. The programme is available to civil protection authorities of Member States, participating states, enlargement and neighbourhood countries under the EU Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) legislation.

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