The IMAROS project (2020-2022) was funded by the EU to address oil spill response to Low Sulphur Fuel Oils (LSFO). The project improved understanding of potential impacts and challenges resulting from LSFO spills. The IMAROS project revealed a wide range of different physical and chemical properties among the tested oil samples, resulting in increased complexity for responders.
IMAROS 2 is a two-year follow up project based on the findings from IMAROS and focused on two main challenges:
- Improve understanding of oil spill behaviour of LSFOs, and consequently decision-making on all levels of response operations
- Improve capacities of mechanical recovery and shoreline response
In IMAROS 2, new data will be collected across Europe to improve risk perception and ensure a representative selection of oil samples for the project. Characterisation of the samples’ physical and chemical properties will be carried out to improve the knowledge of oil behaviour when spilled into the environment. The results are used to assess different response options, and as input to modelling of oil properties and drift.
Previously-observed problems with oil recovery will be addressed in three separate trial periods. Equipment manufacturers are invited to participate in recovery trails under controlled conditions in test facilities in Norway and Finland, to identify promising approaches to recover oils with adverse properties.
Furthermore, shoreline response to LSFOs will be addressed, regarding oil behaviour, environmental impacts, and clean-up techniques. The activities cover laboratory and meso-scale experiments, as well as practical trials of cleaning techniques.
The project consortium consists of both operational and scientific personnel and will synthetise the results from all of the work packages to general conclusions and operational guidelines.
Expert Group
The project consortium wish to establish an international expert group, to facilitate discussion beyond the project consortium. We will host at least two digital expert meetings, at the beginning and towards the end of the project. These expert meetings aim to raise awareness of other ongoing initiatives, as well as disseminating and discussing the results of the IMAROS 2 project. We hope that experts worldwide working with LSFO spills will share their knowledge and provide their feedback to our work.
The project is hosting an expert group meeting on April 23 (on Teams). During the meeting the project will be presented, as well as the results from the IMAROS project. There will also be time for questions and discussions.
If you wish to join the meeting, contact project manager Silje Berger (