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Main Planning Conference. November 2022, Cyprus

Main Planning Conference. November 2022, Cyprus

By project PDEX-JIP staffPublished on

The physical Main Planning Conference of partners and beneficiaries set an important milestone for the successful continuation of the project.

The PDEX-JIP Consortium, met on the 2nd and 3rd of November in Cyprus for the project’s Main Planning Conference. Special thanks to the consortium partners for attending physically the land of the coordinator CERIDES – Excellence in Innovation and TechnologyEuropean University Cyprus partnering with the Civil Defense Cyprus and Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cyprus.  PPIJohanniterDMAT,  and RSI.

The main beneficiaries from Jordan, Israel and Palestine have participated physically in this event, showing in this manner their endorsement, recognition and commitment for this historical Professional Dialogue EXercise. JIP was present via 4 representatives from the Jordan Delegations (including Jordan Crisis Center and Jordan Civil Defense), 6 participants from Palestinian Delegation (representing Palestine Civil Defense, Civil Affairs, Metrology, MOFA and one Military Liaison Officer) whilst Israel was represented by 4 stakeholders (from NEMA, Military Liaison Office and COGAT).

Special appreciation from the coordinator and the whole consortium to UN OCHA  representatives from Jordan and oPt for also attending physically via 6 representatives, and for being an aid to this ambitious project. Also special thanks to the project officer of DG-ECHO and USAID BHA representative for also attending physically and giving their assistance on ways forward.  

The main objective of PDEX’s Main Planning Conference accomplished was to provide a common framework for discussion between the JIP beneficiaries and consortium project partner experts, of the exercise implementation. Clarifications were also made in key terminologies; aims and objectives to achieve a common understanding. A brief elaboration of the initial exercise scenario and the presentation of the associated injectscapacities, as well as number of people and authorities to be involved in the TableTop eXercise (TTX) and Full-Scale Exercise (FSX) was provisionally discussed.

The consortium and the Jordanian, Israeli and Palestinian parties are looking forward and getting prepared for the Table Top Exercise, foreseen on the 9-11 of January in the JIP Region; the Full Scale Exercise to follow between 13-15 of March once more within the JIP region; whilst the Final Meeting and Way Forward Event will take Place in Cyprus between 9-11 of May.