- Type
- Cross-border prevention and preparedness and marine pollution (Track 2)
- EU contribution amount
- EUR 389 148.67 (EU contribution)
- Funding source
- Contact email
The ‘Commanding & Operations Mechanism for Multi-sectoral Analysis of Nexus Disaster Data’ (COMMAND d) project supports command and operations centres (COC) in disaster preparedness at local level. It set out to increase overall preparedness by facilitating decision-making processes for command structures, ensuring the swift activation and coordination of operational forces. COMMAND d aims to provide best practices for COCs, allowing for independent communication via multiple separate systems, an independent power supply and quick dislocation in case of disasters via a mobile component. Focusing on COCs in Croatia, North Macedonia and Montenegro (UCPM countries), Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania, the project facilitates rapid multi-sectoral data reception, GIS-supported analysis/simulation and transfer of emergency data.
Respective needs assessments present a basis for developing the methodology, detailing mechanisms to support decision-making processes and standardise crisis communication procedures in civil protection systems. An innovative IT emergency response tool enables data from various sources, such as firefighters, water management agencies and emergency medical centres, to be consolidated to achieve faster collection and analysis of the data delivered to COCs.
The project encompasses real-time analysis, accelerates the exchange of key data among all project partners in the region through a standardisation process, is linked to national early warning systems, and is supported by GIS tools