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The Solutions Explorer is an open source web platform that provides access to data and experiences in the field of Disaster Risk Management (DRM), developed during the ROADMAP project and further improved in the ROADMAP2 project. The purpose of the Solutions Explorer is the collection and subsequent search and consultation of available Good Practices (GPs) in the field of DRM and DRR.
The Solutions Explorer is an open source web platform that allows access to data and experiences in the field of Disaster Risk Management (DRM), developed during the ROADMAP project (n.101017776 – UCPM-2020-KN-AG).
The purpose of the Solutions Explorer is the collection and subsequent search and consultation of available Good Practices (GPs). Its development is oriented towards sharing GPs and increasing access to available DRM and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) information. As a dynamic web platform, the Solutions Explorer will provide examples on a wide range of structural and non-structural risk management GPs, allowing the sharing of information on how to overcome obstacles and increase the understanding of DRM solutions.
This platform hosts GPs in DRM at different levels of governance (local, regional, national and international), supporting the activities of the ROADMAP2 project.
The Solutions Explorer is based on the methodologicalstructure developed in the project (and explained in the story a Framework for identifying and assessing GPs in DRM), by interacting with the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network (UCPKN), the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Network (DRMKC) and the Community for the European Observatory of GPs, providing easy access to basic data and experience in the field of DRM, starting from the available literature and documentation.
The Solutions Explorer structure
The main structure of the Solutions Explorer for research and consultation is based on four main areas:
“Solutions to …”,
“Characterized by …”
“Solutions features …”,
“Assessment criteria …”
The first area ("Solutions to …") aims to define the characteristics of the GPs available in its database in terms of the scope and objectives of the GP required. In particular, thanks to the use of three subcategories:
"Enhancing the DRM cycle"
"Targeting the Sendai Framework for DRR"
"In support of the EU legal framework”
The search for a solution in this area starts with general criteria, linked to the phases of the DRM cycle, and then progresses to more specific criteria linked to both the Sendai Framework for DRR and relevant EU legislation on DRM (e.g. compliance with the Union Disaster Resilience Goals - URDGs).
The second area ("Characterised by ...") aims to define the characteristics of the good practices being looked for. Within this section, the required scales (spatial and temporal) and risk elements (type and assets) can be selected.
The third area ("Solution features …") allows the definition of specific attributes of the solution (GP) in terms of beneficiaries, actors, challenges and solution type.
Finally, the fourth area (“Assessment criteria …”) allows for selecting GPs categorized with a specific level of:
Environmental sustainability
For each criterion of this area, the user can select a value between "Low", "Medium" and "High". Each specific indicator is explained in an "Info" pop-up label available for each criterion.
The single GP form has been improved to be compliant with the defined criteria. When a GP is selected following the workflow shown in the next figure, the associated form will display all the criteria associated with the selected GP, and for each evaluation criterion it will report both the value ('Low', 'Medium' or 'High') and a specific field with the evidence for that specific indicator.
The Solutions Explorer reflects the theoretical framework defined in ROADMAP2 and is expected to become a useful and used tool for sharing information on how to overcome obstacles and increase understanding of DRM solutions within the Knowledge Network community.