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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action
Knowledge Network - Annual Report

Knowledge Network, two years on – Activities Report 2022-2023

By Knowledge Network – Staff memberPublished on

The Activities report for the Knowledge Network 2022-2023, published today, sets out achievements, results and lessons learnt by the EU and its partners under the three goals of the Network – community, shared knowledge for action, and research that matters.

The launch of the Knowledge Network took place in 2021, at a time of unprecedented international challenges, with natural disasters and conflict leading to a historically large number of activations of the UCPM. In this challenging global context, knowledge sharing and developing a strong community of civil protection practitioners became more important than ever.

In just two years, the Network has demonstrated its value in this area. Its role as Partnership Facilitator has been vital, with many activities under the first goal (Stronger Community) focused specifically on facilitating communication and partnership at different levels and across sectors. Highlights included the Knowledge Network’s participation in the European Civil Protection Forum (as well as the organisation of the next edition in June), a study visit for young professionals in civil protection, a significant expansion in the distribution of the Knowledge Network newsletter, and sharp increase in the publication of news and stories on its online platform.

The third goal looks closely at Research that Matters. The Knowledge Network's Science Pillar was set up to provide the civil protection community with access to high-quality data and analytical tools, and to support innovation and fill in any gaps that may exist in the area of civil protection and disaster risk management. It cooperates closely with the work of the European Commission’s Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC), which serves as a hub for the science pillar and reinforces science-policy links between the Commission, EU Member States and DRM community. Highlights of this pillar include improvements and a new interface for the Risk Data Hub, the enhancement of crisis[1]analytical tools for the community, and support to the Science-policy-practice interface (for example, through DRMKC annual seminars or the summer schools).

‘While the achievements of the Knowledge Network over the past two years should certainly be acknowledged, we know that none of this could have been achieved without our partners. The Network was always intended to be a tool that was ‘by the community, for the community’, and we are extremely grateful to our Network for their support throughout this process’.