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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action
visualised text logo of the UCPKN disaster risk management science and planning working group meeting

Mapping the way forward for scientific needs

By Knowledge Network – Staff memberPublished on

The new DRM Science and Planning working group met to discuss emerging topics, such as multi-risk disasters and behavioural insights


The four work topics are quite strategic and very interesting, but particularly ethics of AI should be highlighted in relation to decision-making. A person would need to stay in charge of the decision regardless instead of handing it fully over to an algorithm.

They were based on a thorough needs assessment done with the working group previously as well as, for example, on the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre's (DRMKC) 7th Annual Seminar's results. In addition, the meeting included updates on:

  • The finalised 1st cycle of DG ECHO's scenario-building initiative (article 10 of the UCPM decision).
  • The DRMKC's scientific support to UCPM policy and anticipatory analysis.
  • Destination Earth - a flagship initiative of the Commission to develop a highly accurate digital model of the Earth on a global scale - from the ECMWF.

The Commission will analyse the outcomes of the meeting and propose a way forward along with concrete deliverables, such as knowledge products or innovation labs, for science & planning in DRM. The fruitful conversation led to an overall consensus on the four work topics. More focused planning was requested and other avenues are to be considered, such as risks and ethics of AI. The Commission took note of the representatives’ comments and will sharpen the focus of some of the key topics for a next iteration of the planning.

The Agenda and Scoping Paper are available on the event page.

Similar national initiatives

A representative of France shared the COLLARIS Plenary Meeting, a capacity-building initiative to develop a sustainable European network of scientific, engineering, and end-user expertise related to unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in civil protection and disaster response.

Likewise, a representative of Italy mentioned a conference on human and social sciences for the civil protection on 23rd and 24th of September, that will invite all the social science industry of Italy. Another initiative aims to coordinate ROADMAP2 by collecting good practices.


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