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Happy first anniversary Knowledge Network!

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Launched in December 2021, the Network took its first steps in a global context where knowledge-sharing between civil protection and disaster risk management policymakers, scientists, and practitioners is more important than ever. We spoke with Julia Stewart-David, acting Director for Disaster Preparedness and Prevention at ECHO, to reflect on the 1st year of the UCPKN and anticipate the next ones

By Knowledge Network – Staff member

Julia, the Knowledge Network’s first year has been a busy one. Has it been as you expected?

Well, professionals in civil protection and disaster risk management know the dangers of defining the expression ‘as expected’! Little did we know when we launched the Network formally last year that we would be facing one of the largest, most complex and multi-sectoral set of activations under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM) ever in 2022. The interdependencies of our societies are all the more reason to make sure that we have systems that operate well together at all levels, especially by ensuring that the vital ingredient of shared expertise and knowledge exchange is well supported.

In the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic and while the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine is still raging, the Network is being shaped around serious challenges facing European civil protection. We, as the Commission and the UCPM participating countries, have set our ambition together and put in place strong foundations for the years ahead. The Network has boosted core activities – for example, the new civil protection training programme with its increased offer of accessible online courses; new visibility tools for projects; and bridging the gap between the civil protection first response and scientific expertise, each with the common purpose of strengthening disaster risk management. What else can I say? … I am proud to celebrate the Network’s first anniversary!

These closer relationships and close cooperation between the UCPM countries allow us to boost information sharing between national platforms and websites, as well as the Knowledge Network platform.

We have strengthened our relationship with key stakeholders throughout the year – projects, training partners, the science base, and of course the individual members of the civil protection and disaster risk management community, including the youngest and newest professionals!

What else have we done in 2022? The ongoing Knowledge Network partnership projects were busy. They brought together 80 different organisations from 32 countries to take part in activities ranging from strengthening regional cooperation in facing floods, to protecting cultural heritage when disasters occur. I am also very much looking forward to the gathering of several working groups of the Knowledge Network, such as those under the capacity development and science pillars, which will begin their work early this year.

Where has the Knowledge Network community been focusing its efforts in 2022?

Our community has been busier than ever these past 12 months. Efforts have been focused on capacity-building projects, UCPM exercises, tested capacities, and systems to be prepared for crises. An impressive range of scenarios have been exercised, like the full-scale exercise DOMINO on chemical risks and marine pollution and the EU MODEX search and rescue field exercise in Austria, that focused on rescue following a major earthquake. A peer review mission also took place in Romania, the results of which will be available early this year.

UCPM training got back to face-to-face delivery this year, with major added value for participants, and specialist training like the burns assessment teams training course supported the essential work taking place when a major incident strikes.

New developments are coming to the online platform, too. Discussion spaces and thematic groups will be available at the start of 2023, and the knowledge library will arrive later in the year. The online platform and newsletter are built around readers’ needs. It is a pleasure to see how they are gradually changing from information tools to collaborative spaces, with community members taking more and more ownership and sharing their news with peers.

2022 allowed us to finally get back to what we treasure most, meeting in-person. The European Civil Protection Forum allowed us to do just that, with a Knowledge Network exhibition stand and two workshops on expert training (the focus of which was, ironically, back in the digital sphere!) and on the use of data and science for understanding and reducing risks. The exhibition stand was a hub to meet, share information, and build contacts – exactly what our platform aims to replicate in the online space.

As part of the European Year of Youth, we organised a study visit for representatives of the next generation in civil protection. 47 young people from 25 countries who are interested or already working in civil protection and disaster risk management came together in Brussels for an intensive two days of learning, and left with a deeper knowledge base and all-important new connections.

We will also bring back the summer school on evidence-based policy making in disaster risk management, where we’ll be bringing together scientists and technical and political decision makers, and aiming to draw them out of their comfort zones to work on solving specific and pertinent problems.

Our biggest ambition for the Knowledge Network is to ensure that it is truly built both for and by the community: to make it clear that it belongs to you. This means the continuity of successful training, projects, and science and knowledge-sharing activities to enhance stability and sustainability, and new knowledge-sharing activities to come. The limits are only set by you, the Knowledge Network community. I know that we are up to the task ahead and can’t wait to continue our journey together as the Knowledge Network grows.

Lastly, 2022 ended in the best way possible with our EU civil protection mechanism “family” gaining two new members. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Albania have joined us in the UCPM as participating countries. A huge welcome to both countries from the Knowledge Network!

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About the author

The Knowledge Network – Staff member

The Knowledge Network editorial team is here to share the news and stories of the Knowledge Network community. We'd love to hear your news, events and personal stories about your life in civil protection and disaster risk management. If you've got a story to share, please contact us.