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ROADMAP2 Final Workshop in Rome

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The final workshop provided an opportunity to present the results of the project and to analyze the different Work Packages through presentations by their respective leaders. These presentations were accompanied by round tables with members of the CEO and a discussion on the future perspectives of the project.

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By project ROADMAP2 staff

09 December - Social Dinner

The first day was dedicated to the arrival of participants. The project members took the opportunity to visit Rome and, at the end of the day, attended a social dinner followed by a short visit to Castel Sant'Angelo and Piazza San Pietro.

10 December - Final Workshop

The final workshop was held at the Civil Protection headquarters in Rome, in the "Di Cicco" auditorium. The workshop opened with a welcome address by the Project Coordinator, Daniela Di Bucci, followed by greetings by the Head of Unit of DG-ECHO, Erwan Marteil, and the Project Officer, Juha-Pekka Japola. The first half of the morning ended with a general presentation of the ROADMAP2 project and a panel discussion with some members of the CEO. After a coffee break, the leaders of the different work packages presented the achievements of the project. The morning ended with a general discussion, with all the participants, moderated by Bjørn Ivar Kruke, including the future prespectives of the ROADMAP2 project. The final workshop ended with a lunch at the auditorium.

If you would like to see the recording of the final workshop, please go to the link 


The project consortium would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the ROADMAP2 project. It has been a very inspiring two years and it has been great to work side by side with such qualified experts!



About the author

Logo of ROADMAP2 project
Project ROADMAP2 staff

European Observatory on Disaster risk and crisis Management good Practices: way ahead.

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