8th European Civil Protection Forum
Shaping a disaster-resilient Union: Charting a path for the future of European civil protection.
The 8th European Civil Protection Forum will take place in Brussels on 4-5 June 2024, on the eve of the European elections and at a critical point for the future of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism (UCPM).
Over the past few years, the world has witnessed an increasing frequency and intensity of disasters of different origin, exacerbated by the impacts of climate change. Wide-spread wildfires, extreme weather events, earthquakes, major public emergencies, armed conflicts, and hybrid actions have caused devastation of human life, property, environment, and cultural heritage. Systemic shocks like the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine highlight the complex, cross-sectoral and cross-border nature of challenges that Europe faces, as well as the need for continued solidarity and an integrated, multi-hazard and cross-disciplinary approach for effective prevention, preparedness, and response.
In collaboration with its Member States and other partners, the European Union has spearheaded efforts to build a more disaster-resilient Union that is equipped to confront an increasingly complex and evolving risk landscape now, and in the years to come.
Over two days, more than 1,550 individuals from 76 countries will engage in discussions, exchange of knowledge and good practices, networking, and community building. They will represent civil protection and disaster risk management authorities at different levels of governance, first responders and civil society organisations, private sector, science and academia, EU institutions and partner international organisations. They will make the voice of the European Civil Protection Community heard, so that together we can critically reflect on the past, identify what worked well and what we could have done even better. So that we share a common understanding and the knowledge for action needed to make our future efforts efficient and sustainable. So that we can contribute to stronger communities on a local, regional, national, and European level, and chart a path for the future of European civil protection.
All relevant information can be found on the Forum's home page!
Agenda CP Forum 2024
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