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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action

Full-scale and MODEX projects

Full-scale exercises



Managing Complex Floods in North Albania through Cross Border Host Nation Support and Joint Cooperation.


Full-Scale Earthquake Response Exercise in the cross-border-region of Germany, Austria and Switzerland.

Closed Full-scale exercises

Arctic Reihn

Arctic REIHN

The aim of Arctic REIHN is to test, verify and further develop emergency preparedness and response in the case of a nuclear or radiological accident in the Arctic.


Large Scale Earthquake Management at Western Balkans through Joint Cross Border Cooperation Activities.


Full Scale Exercise DOMINO 2022 France.


Aligning European Neighbourhood Policy countries with Union Civil Protection Mechanism and EU tools through series of exercises.


Full Operational Response to Major Accidents Triggered by Natural Hazards.
HOPE exercise


Complex Earthquake Management in South Caucasus Vulnerable Areas through Effective Planning, Reaction and Joint Operations.


Professional Dialogue Exercises - Jordan Israel Palestine


Procedures of Rescue Organizations in Flood Operations Unified in the Danube Region.


Planning, development and conduct of a Union Civil Protection Exercise project to improve the response to an earthquake in South East Europe.

MODEX exercises

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Field exercises for EUCPT and TAST

These EU MODEX exercises are the functional exercises with a strong link to the reality that a EUCPT and TAST can be exposed to, both on operational, tactical and strategic levels.

Field exercises for USAR/medical/EUCPT/TAST/other response capacities

These EU MODEX exercises have an integrated approach for consequence management in case of serious structure collapse to private and public settlements as well as damages to the medical facilities mainly due to the strong earthquakes when USAR modules and EMTs are essential.

Closed MODEX exercises

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Marine Pollution EU MODEX Discussion Exercise

The main focus of the contract is to: design, plan, conduct and evaluate a discussion based EU MODEX exercise including a workshop for offshore and/or onshore marine pollution response capacities.

Other exercises

EU MODEX_Training of Trainers

EU MODEX Training the Trainers Course

The Civitas Soteria Consortium is currently responsible for the implementation of this Framework contract, being led by ICF and integrating organisations with diverse experience in the field of Civil Protection.

EU HNS Table Top exercise outside EU

The objective of the contract is to design, plan, conduct and evaluate two table top exercises (TTX) with host nation support (HNS) as main topic for key actors involved in an UCPM response.