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UCP Knowledge NetworkApplied knowledge for action

Assistance to Member States for DRM

Ongoing projects



The project aims to finalise preparations for the National disaster damage and loss database implementation in Latvia by build upon the existing feasibility studies: preparing a development roadmap and updating technical specifications for the disaster damage and loss database.
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Strengthening social resilience, developing crisis communication and educating safe behaviour in Poland.
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The 'Development of strategic framework that incorporates the needs of persons with disabilities into whole disaster management cycle -ENABLE-DMC' project aims to raise awareness of disasters in Lithuania.
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Feasibility study for forest fire protection

Feasibility study on the evaluation of the current situation and development of solutions for the introduction of the optimal model for the further provision of forest fire protection and fire-fighting functions in public and private forests in Latvia.
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National Risk Assessment in North Macedonia (NRA MK).
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Establishment of comprehensive civil protection

Establishment of comprehensive civil protection and disaster management training for governmental institutions, civil protection commissions of municipalities, universities, SFRS Fire Safety and Civil Defence College, as well as establishing safety advice for the public.
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Study on development of state material reserves

Study on Development and Management of State Material Reserves and Resources of the Sector’s Material and Technical Means for the Implementation of Disaster Management Measures and Overcoming Sectoral Hazards.
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Integrated interventions in disaster risk management.
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Eco-DRR Türkiye

The project will integrate ecosystem-based approaches into disaster risk management policies and strategies, and mainstream those approaches at local, regional and national levels.
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Development of a Spanish national disaster loss database (IMPACTO).
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The 'Implementation of Paragon Across Territories - IMPACT' project intends to further develop the PARAGON platform, on which crisis information can be fully shared in real time at national level in Belgium and with neighbouring countries.
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The 'Making Industrial Organizations Disaster-resilient by Concept of Business Continuity Management: Marmara Region Implementation - RESMAR' project aims to increase the resilience of industrial organisations in the Marmara Region.
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The 'Innovative Solutions for Public Readiness and Emergency Disaster Management in Lithuania - I-SPREAD' project will increase public preparedness and improve the effectiveness of disaster risk prevention tools in Lithuania.
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The 'Funding resilient futures: Exploring funding practices in the field of disaster risk management - PLUTUS' project aims to address challenges that the Belgian civil protection authorities and other EU member states face.
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The 'Public warning messages in preferred language - PwinPlan' project aims to develop a solution that will allow alerts sent through the EE-ALARM system to be sent in the preferred communication language of the receiver.
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The "Improving Disaster Risk Understanding - BG-IDRU-1" project aims to develop educational materials, including video tutorials, booklets and brochures for better understanding of disaster risks in Bulgaria.
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The “Feasibility study and specific documentation for the implementation National Early Warning System” project provides for the development of the feasibility study and specific documentation for the implementation of the early warning system of the population in case of emergency or exceptional situations.
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The ''Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction of the Government of Montenegro with the Action Plan for the period 2025-2030” aims to develop a Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction for Montenegro, and an Action Plan for the period 2025-2030.
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The “Drafting Disaster Risk Reduction Awareness Raising Guidelines and Disaster Loss Data & Assessment System” project aims to develop national disaster risk management awareness-raising guidelines, along with awareness-raising materials and a monitoring framework for such activities.
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CP for Heritage

The 'Operational Forces of Civil Protection for the Protection of Cultural Heritage' project aims to strengthen the institutional, technical and financial capacities of civil protection teams as regards the protection of movable cultural heritage in emergency situations.
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The “Improvements for Data Exchange of Emergency Data” project aims to develop risk management capabilities for large scale nuclear and radiological emergencies.
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Local DRM

The “Strengthening Disaster Risk Management Capability at Local Level - LOCAL-DRM” project aims to improve the overall preparedness capabilities of the Albania’s counties and municipalities.
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The "Using fire spread simulation to better anticipate and prepare for dangerous and destructive wildfires at national and local level - B-Prepared" project will implement a state-of-the-art fire spread simulation system capable of predicting potential fire behavior.
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The "Safe and Equal in EMErgencies 2 - SEE ME 2" project aims to improve the safety and equality of the persons with disabilities in emergencies by improving the understanding of disaster risk among the persons with disabilities and to strengthen the capabilities of the civil protection operational forces in dealing with persons with disabilities in emergencies.

Closed projects


DRM investment project in Lithuania

Preparation of an investment project proposal addressing disaster risk management due to possible threats from a Belarussian nuclear power plant (LT) - Track I


The Aid to Prioritize Fire Prevention Efforts (FirePrev) project in Denmark aims to reduce building fires and encourage smarter spending.

High Level Crisis Management Courses

The ‘High Level Crisis Management Courses’ project in Estonia supports the development of a training programme to increase the preparedness of the national crisis system by involving local authorities, municipalities, crisis-management policymakers, and public and private sectors.
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The project will develop a new national risk assessment methodology, taking into account projections of emerging risks and new methods.

Paragon UCPM – Benelux and NRW

Analysis of the needs and requirements for making a Crisis Information Management System internationally and cross-border usable within the Benelux and Nordrhein-Westfalen.
State Fire and Rescue Service of the Republic of Latvia

Research of State Fire and Rescue structure etc.

Track 1 - Research of State Fire and Rescue Service structure and capacity, assessment of the current situation, analysis of functions and tasks for the development and implementation of a long-term development strategy of SFRS (LV).